The ying and yang of nursing.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

How does a busy nurse cope??

So many things can make our work very stressful and very demanding on different levels - physically and psychologically. It might be short staffed or you may have several acutely ill patients or it may even be addressing various issues the patients' families may have. And I know every individual nurse has their own unique way of coping at work. For me, it is a combination of a number of different factors including the support/friendship of fellow nurses, the collaboration of all the different experts I work with (ex PT and OT and SW and pharmacist and dietician), my own effort to keep an open mind when listening to others, and sometimes, the families of the patients I care for. The camaraderie among the staff I work with and the relationship I have with them has a significant impact on how I cope. How about you?


  • At 6:52 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    One method of coping is to check your stress level several times a day. Sometimes people get so busy running, they fail to notice their muscles are tense and their heart rate is sky high. Three or four times a day, slow down long enough to find out how you are feeling and if your assessment indicates your stess level is high, try meditating for a moment or thinking of something humorous to lighten the load a bit.


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