The ying and yang of nursing.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Medication administration is complicated!

While we all know that nursing practice is so much more that just medication administration, it still remains a complex activity that requires a sound knowledge base, competent math skills, ample diligence, and appropriate critical thinking skills. There are so many things to consider when giving medications. Is it the right drug? Is it the right dose? Is it the right patient? Is it the right time? Is it the right route? Is the reason for the drug appropriate for the patient's condition/status? Is there documented orders for the drug? Does the patient have any drug allergies? Being able to read the doctor's medication orders and understand the reasoning behind them is an added challenge. There is plenty to be anxious or nervous about when giving medications to a patient. Despite the fact that ongoing research is producing new drugs and new ways to give them, repetition and experience will help the nurse gain confidence and competency with this skill. What do you find most challenging about giving medications? What kinds of strategies or support systems help you to give medications safely? What kind of advice would you give to a new graduate nurse to help her or him feel less tense about this skill?


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