The ying and yang of nursing.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

How do nurses care??

There are so many things nurses do on a day to day basis to provide care in a compassionate way. It can be providing a warm blanket or making a cup of tea or even taking the time to listen to a patient. Can you think of some creative or different ways nurses care for patients?


  • At 3:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why is this nurse up at 0300hrs AHHH! Awesome site well done I am impressed!
    Cheers M

  • At 2:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Washing thier hair, patients love it and feel SO much better :)
    Also, taking the time to listen, especially to a patient who is on the call bell a lot, taking 2 minutes to listen and understand and really give your full attention goes miles to ease anxiety.

  • At 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    giving them even a simple warm smile can actually alleviates their pain. nice blogs. keet your head up!


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