The ying and yang of nursing.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Staying Positive in a Stressful Work Environment

So you have many patients assigned to you. And you are short staffed. And you have a patient who is going downhill. And you have at least one fresh post operative patient who requires frequent assessment. You are making every effort to communicate with your patients in a professional way and to work with your colleagues in a constructive way. It doesn't take very much to make us frustrated or impatient. So what can one do to keep on going and ensure patients receive safe and ethical care? I for one like to laugh as much as possible with those you work with. I think it would be a good idea to be supportive of the other nurses you work with. Listen to them and try hard to understand what they are really saying. So laugh, listen, and understand! I try to do this everyday! It might make a difference.