The ying and yang of nursing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Positive Work Environment

Does it exist anymore anywhere? I'd like to think it does. It has many potential benefits such as ensuring high quality patient care and ensuring nurses are supported by each other and can even help to promote change/improvement. But what factors contribute to a positive work environment? One of these factors may include appreciating or respecting the unique differences of one's fellow co-workers. What do you think?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Concept of Teamwork Nursing

Now I realize that the reality of nursing is that each person will do things their own way no matter what and I also realize that nursing will be done in a way that is most practical and efficient. BUT more often than not, much of what we do as nurses can be more safer and more effective if we work together with other nurses. If another nurse helps us to mobilize patients, we can take better care of our backs. If another nurse is present when the primary nurse assesses an acute patient, the second nurse is able to confirm findings (isn't two smart nurses better that one?). By working together with other nurses, we can not only care for patients more effectively, we can also help to support each other emotionally and physically. There are so many factors or barriers that prevent teamwork nursing. One possibility is individual personality differences. Another is the status quo on a given unit. I can personally testify that teamwork nursing has so many benefits including motivating me to give a 110% every shift. What do you think? Is it unrealistic?