The ying and yang of nursing.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Families & Hosptials

I have been noticing that sometimes, some families have such a challenging time to adapt to the hosptial environment. They have difficulty understanding why we do the things we do. They have a hard time understanding why a doctor has decided to do what he/she has decided. They want to know why their loved one is not getting better. I do believe that nurses have some responsibility to help families with some of these issues because the patient's family really is part of the patient's holistic health. With all the challenges and stresses we nurses face on the job, I wish we had the time to talk to families and ensure their peace of mind. I commend all nurses everywhere for what they do now in order to give holistic care. I really do believe that there is so much nurses do on a daily basis that is not recognized by all.